Wrap Around Care
The sessions that we are offering are: -
Monday - Friday: 8.00 - 8.45am at £4 per session (we are unable to provide breakfast, children should bring / have eaten their own breakfast)
Monday - Thursday: 3.00 - 5.45pm at £14 per session (a snack will be provided)
Please email the office to book your spaces and you will then be able to use the ParentMail shop to pay for any sessions in advance. Email: office.3147@hanborough-manor.oxon.sch.uk
We are pleased to announce that we can now accept childcare vouchers. Please contact the office for further details.
Children must be dropped off promptly at the main reception where they will be greeted by a member of staff. Those arriving after 8am should come to reception and ring the doorbell.
On collection (whenever is suitable for yourselves) please use the doorbell inside the main entrance to alert staff. Please do NOT use the staff car park.
The sessions will be added to our ParentMail shop and we ask for you to pay for your sessions for the whole month at a time, in advance. At the current time we have adopted the Daffodils system to charge for the whole session regardless of collection time.
With regard to managing safeguarding, health and safety, behaviour, emergency procedures, etc, we will be following the current school policies: https://www.hanboroughmanor.co.uk/policies/