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Welcome To

Hanborough Manor
CE School

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Welcome to Elm Class! 


Elm are taught by Mr Jackson and Mrs Nickelson. Our TA is Mrs Charalambous

Mr Jackson Mrs Nickelson 



Our topic for the Summer Term is 'Raiders and Invaders', an exploration into the history of the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons.


PE Days

Elm will have PE on Monday and Friday, and should come to school dressed in their kit. Please look here https://www.hanboroughmanor.co.uk/school-uniform/ for further information.

Uniform Reminder

Please look here https://www.hanboroughmanor.co.uk/school-uniform/ for information about the uniform children should wear in school.

Routine and Information

  • Homework will be set on a Wednesday and handed in the following Monday.
  • Spellings form part of the homework. However these will be set on a Wednesday and tested on the following Wednesday.
  • Please listen to your child read at least three times a week.
  • Children do not need to bring a pencil case as the school will supply all the equipment they need.
  • As a school who aims to nurture, educate and inspire children, members of staff may work with children in small groups. This is to help with progress in different areas and to enable them to have confidence in their ability.

Medium Term Plan

Elm Class Reading Challenge

Cotswold Farm Park

Prayer Space


Harvest Festival

Tennis Tournament

Explore Our New


More Information