Welcome to
Kilvrough 2024!
Year 6 Team:
Miss Potter - Class Teacher
Mrs Hayes - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Year Six section of the website. Look out for regular updates to find out what the children have been learning and experiencing.
Routine and Information
- PE kits should be worn all day on our PE days. Year 6 PE days this term are: Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Year 6 are not swimming this term. Children should bring: a swimming costume, swimming hat and towel in a bag.
- Forest School is on a Friday afternoon. The groups are displayed on the Year 6 classroom board.
- Homework will be set on a Wednesday using CGP books and handed in the following Monday.
- Spellings form part of the homework. However these will be set on a Wednesday and tested on the following Wednesday. Your child should practice this spellings across the week.
- Please listen to your child read five times a week and comment in their reading journals. Try some of our reading comprehension questions below to see how much your child can remember!
- Pencil cases – pupils in Year 6 are provided with all of the stationery items that they will need in class. If pupils wish to bring in a pencil case then it should be small and flat, containing no more than 15 items so that it can fit in trays. Stationery should be limited to fountain or handwriting pen, pencil, 1 rubber, 1 pencil sharpener, 1 ruler, 10 or less coloured pencils or felt tips. If children bring in inappropriate equipment (fiddle toys, unnecessary stationary etc.) they will be asked to take them home.
- Uniform – Please see the updated uniform expectations document on the parents page.
- Hair – Long hair must be safely tied back and hair must be the child’s natural colour. Hair fastenings should be plain and in school colours.
Monday - Friday: Miss Potter and Mrs Hayes
We welcome you to come and speak to us if you have any queries. Please leave a message with the staff member at the gate if you cannot see a member of the Year 6 team. Time is limited in the mornings and not particularly private, so the end of the day is preferable if it can wait.
In Year 6, pupils will be asked to complete homework containing reading, SPaG, maths and another task (writing, topic, science etc).
Reading will be recorded in reading records and spelling will be recorded in English books. Reading records should be in on a Friday. Spellings will be tested on the Wednesday.
Any 'other tasks' can be completed on paper and photographed or on a computer or tablet. Photos can be emailed to the school office.
What are we learning about this term?
Theme: An American Adventure
Link text: Holes, Louie Zachar and The Explorer, Katherine Rundell
See below for our curriculum map for Spring 2025

Religious Education, PSHE and Collective Worship
In RE we are learning "Creation and Science: Conflicting or Complimentary?" in our study of Christianity.
In Jigsaw PSHE lessons our unit is: Dreams and Goals
In Collective Worship our theme is: Courage
Useful websites
These websites can be useful for helping with homework, revision for the SATs or for working from home.
BBC Bitesize
Use BBC Bitesize to help with your homework, revision and learning. Find free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject.
Crickweb KS2 English
Range of interactive games to support learning in all areas of literacy.
Top Marks Education
Our favourite maths game is Hit the Button!
Times Tables
Useful to practice your times tables at home. In the link is the speed test. How fast can you go?
BBC Newsround
We like to watch this in class, but you could try reading some of the articles when you are at home!
DK Find Out!
Fun facts for kids!