Curriculum Information
Our Curriculum Intent
At Hanborough Manor Primary School, the core vision of ’Nurture, Educate and Inspire’ is at the heart of everything we do, and we encourage our children to be ready, respectful and safe at all times. Our curriculum has been carefully designed around the national curriculum to incorporate Christian values and inspire a life-long love of learning. Our knowledge-based curriculum is focused through termly topics with an historical, geographical or scientific theme, which in turn enriches other subject areas. The topics are studied for a whole term, allowing children to delve deeply into their learning, and giving them a chance to build up curiosity, ask questions and have the opportunity to discover the answers.
Each subject area has been planned to allow for consolidation and progression, providing a basis for ‘higher-order’ thinking. It also creates scope for exciting and engaging learning activities, new vocabulary, a range of questions and curiosity, and various assessment opportunities for all. We also believe that it is important for our children to have exposure to the wider world beyond our community, granting them an appreciation and experiences that they might not otherwise have access to. We want to prepare each of our pupils for the journeys ahead of them, setting every child, regardless of background or circumstance, up for success.
Every pupil will leave our school being able to:
- Read fluently and offer well-reasoned arguments about texts they have read
- Communicate effectively through writing
- Calculate efficiently and quickly
- Solve a variety of problems by reasoning logically
- Socialise and work well with others
- Debate some ‘real world’ issues using knowledge they have learned and applied at HMS
- Develop a love of learning and curiosity
- Respect and value their unique qualities, skills and beliefs, and those of others
- understand and respect the views of people from a range of beliefs and cultures
- know from experience, that effort and perseverance bring success
- be ready to learn from experiences
- know how to keep themselves and others safe, in their local environment, online and in the wider world
Hanborough Manor C of E Primary school is an inclusive school, and we believe that all pupils deserve the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. Support is provided appropriately to assist each child’s individual needs. In terms of communication-friendly classrooms, we believe that good universal provision starts with adjusting the environment to reduce or remove barriers to enable all learners to develop their social, emotional and learning potential. Consideration is also given to the way in which adults interact with and communicate with children; the physical environment; visual support; and careful planning.
Additional provision is made for our more able learners through differentiated activities in class, individual targets in their area of ability and through extension and enrichment opportunities within and beyond the classroom setting.
If we think it necessary to modify some children’s access to the curriculum, in order to meet their needs, then we do this only after their parents have been consulted. If children have special needs, our school does all it can to meet the individual’s needs, and we comply with the requirements set out in the SEN Code of Practice.