Aim High, be Courageous, show Love and Kindness.
Our Christian vision at Hanborough Manor CE School is underpinned by these words from the Bible:
"Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love"
(1 Cor 16:13 - 14)
Aim high, 'Keep alert' - look for opportunities to improve, progress and learn new things.
Be courageous, 'stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong'- be brave enough to try new things, make mistakes and succeed; to stand up for what you believe is right and make a difference.
Show love and kindness, 'let all that you do be done in love'-treat everyone with love and kindness at all times; value yourself as a unique creation.
Our vision is that every child and member of our school community is welcomed and valued as a unique individual, supported and empowered to flourish by our caring, inclusive and engaging ethos and curriculum.
Our vision is exemplified by the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25 - 37), allowing children to connect and understand our vision more fully.
Our vision is reflected in our nominated six values (resilience, curiosity, kindness, acceptance, community and care) and our rules for expectations of everyone's behaviour:
You will find a lot of information in our school prospectus including our opening times (8.40am - 3.10pm), as well as on our curriculum pages.
I hope that you will find this website helpful, but should you have any queries, please contact the school office and speak to Mrs Barker our School Manager.
Sarah Nickelson
Executive Head Teacher