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Hanborough Manor
CE School

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Year 3 Class Teacher: Mr. Hagon

Year 3 Class TA: Miss. Simpkins


Welcome to the Year Three section of the website. This term, our core topics are Extreme Earth and Light.


Routine and Information

  • Homework will be set on a Friday and handed in the following Friday.
  • Spellings form part of the homework. These will be set with the homework on a Friday and tested the following Friday. Your child should practice their spellings across the week.
  • Reading is a really important part of every child's learning and in addition to the guided reading and 1-2-1 reading the children do in school every week, they should read at home as well.  Please try to listen to your child read five times a week.
  • Times Tables will be a part of weekly homework and a times table to focus on will be set each week.  The 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 8x and 10x are a particular focus in Year 3.
  • PE kits should be worn all day on our PE days. Year 3 PE days this term are: Monday and Thursday.
  • Swimming for Year 3s is scheduled to take place in the Spring term.  More information will follow closer to the time.
  • Pencil cases – pupils in Year 3 are provided with all of the stationery items that they will need in class and do not need to bring in stationery or pencil cases.
  • Uniform – Please see the updated uniform expectations document on the parents page. 
  • Hair – Long hair must be safely tied back and hair must be the child’s natural colour. Hair fastenings should be plain and in school colours.
  • Year 3 have had their allotted time for Forest School this year and will be doing it again in Year 4.


We welcome you to come and speak to us if you have any queries. Please leave a message with the staff member at the gate if you cannot see a member of the Year 3 team. Time is limited in the mornings and not particularly private, so the end of the day may be more appropriate.

Homework (22/11/24)

Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spellings

Spellings & Times Tables


In line with the recent relaunch of Times Tables Rock Stars, can you all please keep practicing your times tables as much as possible on TTRS; keeping an eye out for inter-year group challenges!  Additionally, there is also the Year 3 and 4 statutory spelling list above to help you learn your most important spellings.

Stone Age Survival & Cave Painting

States of Matter: Marble Particles!

Place Value Maths

School Value - Thankfulness

Additional Resources

Explore Our New


More Information