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Eynsham Partnership Academy Trust

Policies and Procedures: a common statement


Statement of a motion to be adopted at the LGB meeting of Hanborough Manor CE School


“The LGB of Hanborough Manor CE School, as part of the Eynsham Partnership Academy (EPA) Trust, are committed to ensuring that the Academy has in place all appropriate and relevant statutory and non-statutory policies and procedures required for the effective and efficient running of the academy.


The Academy will generate a full schedule of these policies and procedures. This schedule will include the statutory or non-statutory status of each policy and procedure along with a timeline for it to be revised and/or rewritten at an appropriate interval.


The LGB of the Academy will adopt the following protocol to ensure that it is always in the position of having all the necessary policies and procedures in place to deal with any situation that may arise.


Protocol for the application of policies and procedures

When a situation arises that requires the Academy to implement a policy or procedure, the following decision steps will be applied in order:

  1. If the Academy has a currently in-date policy or procedure in place to deal with the situation then this will be applied
  2. If the Academy has a policy or procedure in place to deal with the situation, but this document is out of date, then
    1. If the wider EPA has an existing in-date policy or procedure then this will be applied until the Academy has reviewed or rewritten their own policy or procedure
    2. If the wider EPA does not have an existing in-date policy or procedure then the original Academy policy or procedure will be applied until the Academy has reviewed or rewritten it
  3. If the Academy does not have a policy or procedure in place to deal with the situation, whether in-date or out of date, then
    1. If the wider EPA has an existing in-date policy or procedure to deal with the situation then this will be applied until the Academy has written their own policy or procedure
    2. If the wider EPA does not have an existing in-date policy or procedure to deal with the situation, then either the legacy Oxfordshire model policy or procedure, or an equivalent LA’s model policy or procedure, will be applied until the Academy has written their own policy or procedure


In any situation where the Academy policy or procedure is in dispute with the equivalent wider EPA’s policy or procedure, then the EPA’s policy will take precedence and be applied to the situation.”

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