At HMS we follow the Jigsaw scheme of work for PSHE. Jigsaw has Mindfulness at its core which supports every child in developing a strong sense of self as well as empathy for others. We believe mindfulness is a vital tool for life: not only does it support the regulation of emotion and build emotional resilience but also enhances focus and concentration; both helping to optimise learning.
Mindful children can more readily choose their responses to situations rather than react while caught up in the thought-flows and emotions. The PSHE curriculum supports the school vision and values as well as promoting behaviours expected in our Behaviour Policy.
Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning. In Jigsaw sessions mindfulness is developed through the ‘Calm Me’ time in which consists of breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisations.
In PSHE pupils are encouraged to make links, recognise patterns which helps to provide a richer and more memorable learning experience. In the Celebrating Differences puzzle the children are encouraged to celebrate differences as we do in RE and in all daily learning.
Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time. This allows children to revisit the themes every year at a different level, covering different, skills and concepts. In each series of 6 Pieces, learning builds and develops. In each Puzzle, this learning culminates in an end product/outcome, for example, a display, a fashion show, a presentation, a video/film, a concert, or an exhibition. This way, each Piece of learning adds to the process of creating the end product, giving the learning an additional purpose, rather than being an end in itself. Children will know what they are working towards early in the Puzzle, adding motivation to their work.
In every Jigsaw lesson the children are given time to talk about that week's theme, share their ideas and feelings, without fear of judgement or criticism.