Attendance Procedures
Registration Procedures
The school day starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.10pm. Registration is taken at 8.50am. Classroom doors are open from 8.40am. If you arrive at school after registration has been completed, please take your child into school via the office, where you will need to sign them in.
- All pupils are to be in school prior to the registers being marked at 8:50am.
- Registration will take place at the beginning of the morning and afternoon sessions of school.
- Morning registers are marked and submitted by 8.50am. Pupils arriving between 8.50 - 9.20am will be marked with L for late. Any child arriving after 9:20am will be marked as U unauthorised late.
- If a child is late because of a medical and other valid reason they will be marked accordingly.
- Afternoon registers are marked in class and submitted by 1.10 pm.
- Pupils leaving the school during the day must report to the office to be signed out.
- Pupils returning during the school day must report to the school office to be signed in.
- If a class is on an all day trip, the register must be completed for both the morning and afternoon sessions, coding as appropriate to the activity attended.
Absence procedures
Parents must ring on each day of absence informing us of expected return date and nature of absence.
1st Day:
Parents notify school if their child is absent before 9am. If no contact is made by the parent/carer school will telephone home.
2nd Day:
If the child is still absent and no contact has been made by the parent/carer, school will again telephone home.
3rd Day:
If the child is still absent and no contact has been made by the parent/carer, school will visit the home. If there is no response school will inform MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) of the child’s continued absence.