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Welcome To

Hanborough Manor
CE School

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Willow Class

Teachers: Miss Jones (Mon-Weds) & Mrs Baker-Roberts (Thurs-Fri)

Teaching Assistant: Miss Edwards 


Welcome to the Year Two section of the website!

Look out for updates to find out what the children have been learning and experiencing.


We welcome you to come and speak to us if you have any queries. Please leave a message with the staff member at the gate if you cannot see a member of the Year 2 team.


Homework is set every Wednesday in a homework book.  Please ensure homework books are handed in on Mondays. Spelling tests will take place on Tuesdays. 


Reading is a really important part of every child's learning. Please listen to your child read and record it in their reading records at least 3 times a week.  Reading records are handed in and checked every Monday. 

PE lessons: Monday and Thursday.

Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.

Please write full names on all belongings (i.e coats, jumpers, water bottles, indoor/outdoor shoes) to prevent them from becoming lost.

Spring Term

Spring Medium Term Plan

Spring Curriculum

Science - Observing Broad Bean Seeds

Autumn Term 

Dance Workshop with Stage Coach

Computing - Barcodes and Scanners

English Help

phonics at Hanborough Manor Primary School

A brief introduction to phonics

rocket phonics video

A brief overview of our phonics scheme

Explore Our New


More Information