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Hanborough Manor
CE School

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Hanborough Manor CE Primary School


Each week homework is given out on a Wednesday and collected in the following Monday. 

We have reviewed our homework so that there is a focus on reading, learning spellings and times tables.  We feel that these are the three key activities that parents and carers do with their children to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress.

We are also offering ‘optional’ homework for children that wish to do more.  These change each term and are created to encourage some independent learning, link with national events or initiatives and give children some different ideas of experiences that they can do to enhance their understanding of the world.

Here is an example of some of the optional activities that the children can do. 

We do encourage children to share what they have done by sending in photos or uploading photos or work to Google Classroom.


Things to do as extra optional ‘homework’ in Term 1 2022-2023

Tell your friends about your summer adventures

Create a set of rules for getting back to school.

Carry out some research (could be on your current Topic) and present the information in an interesting way (you could use IT)

Learn to play a new card game

Create posters to encourage people to save energy i.e. 'turn lights off'


Create a poem about Harvest across the world


Write a letter to your new teacher telling them all about you


Design a moving object out of junk materials 

Take a photo of first signs of autumn 





KS1 - Please send photos and presentations to the office email address to pass on to class teachers



KS2 - Please upload photos and presentations to Google Classroom.

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