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Hanborough Manor
CE School

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Science at HMS


At Hanborough Manor Primary School, we aim to inspire children with a life-long passion for science and nurture their natural inquisitiveness. Our Science curriculum has been designed to ensure that both skills and knowledge are of equal importance. Therefore, we understand that it is important for lessons to have a skills-based focus, and that the knowledge can be taught through this.


Our curriculum is about developing the curious minds of our children through the use of key concept questions and advocating for the scientific approach to problem solving, through predicting, testing and analysing results. Children understand that their scientific learning journey grows by asking why, making mistakes and that this is an important part of learning which enables them to make real and valuable connections with the world around them. Our children are inspired by fostering links with local secondary and primary schools, engaging with the diversity of real-world science and opportunities to explore science outside of a classroom lesson.



Children at HMS are taught using a two-year cycle of topics, to promote links between classes. Scientific skills are taught through investigative enquiry where possible: plan, do and review. For units where an investigative approach is not suitable (e.g. evolution and inheritance), key vocabulary and concept questions are used to guide the children’s learning.


Every year at Hanborough Manor we aim to provide extra ‘wow’ science opportunities through after-school science clubs, online meetings with scientific authors as well as supporting our local scientific links, such as the Hanborough Nature Recovery Network. Whole-school focused science weeks are planned with enthusiasm and allow children to investigate the scientific work by current scientists and those from history. Through these events, children can enjoy experimenting and understand that science is fun!

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